Frequently Asked Questions

What types of Visions do we support?
  • Non-profits that address social challenges, amplify impact, or empower change-makers. 
  • Innovative projects that drive progress, disrupt industries, or create new possibilities. 
  • Environmental visions that work towards sustainabliity, conservation, or a healthy planet. 
  • Human Services that promote welfare, aim to address social needs, or uplift communities.
What regions are we in?

The Hive serves visionaries everywhere! We are also actively onboarding founders and start ups across the US. And if you would like us to come to your city, invite us! We're excited to build an active and thriving ecosystem of visionaries!

Is their a cost to using the HIVE?

We're passionate about seeing visions come to life. As we're building a diverse and strong ecosystem, the HIVE is currently open to free sign up.

Would you like to see?

Join the movement.